⁉️Common Errors

Attempt to index a nil value (upvalue '?') or attempt to index a nil value (global 'ESX')

Make sure you set your config correctly.

-- This is right
Config.Framework = "esx" -- if using ESX
Config.Framework = "qb" -- if using QBCore

-- this is WRONG
Config.Framework = esx
Config.Framework = " esx"
Config.Framework = "ESX"

If you are using the esx framework, do not forget to uncomment the esx import in the fxmanifest.lua

Attempt to call a nil value (field 'StartMenu')

Check if ox_lib is correctly installed. If you are unsure, install it again from this link

If you are still experiencing issues, make sure ox_lib is started before our script

Still experiencing issues? Join our Discord server

Last updated