
This feature is available from the version 1.0.1

We can add items or licenses to player using our system instead of reinventing the wheel.

You need to paste the function into the onResult function, specifically in the data.result == "passed", like this:

       OnResult = function(data)
            -- Data contains the following values:
            --     id (number) - quiz id
            --     percent (number) - percentage of correct answers
            --     result (string) - result (passed/failed)
            -- EXAMPLE:
            if data.result == "passed" then
                -- PASTE THE FUNCTION HERE! <---
                print("You failed the quiz!")
                print(data.percent .. " % of your answers were correct!")

Give Item

We don't want hacker to be able to give themselves an item so we created a feature to whitelist certain items and assign an unique id to them.

ItemList = {
    [1] = {
        itemName = "exampleItem",
        maxAmount = 1, -- Maximum amount of the item that can be given on each use
    [2] = {
        itemName = "drivingLicense",
        maxAmount = 1, -- Maximum amount of the item that can be given on each use
    -- 3 and so on. Dont forget to add a comma after each item

We can add as much items as we want, but make sure the ids are not same.

Now we just need to add our function to the config

Give license

OnResult = function(data)
            -- Data contains the following values:
            --     id (number) - quiz id
            --     percent (number) - percentage of correct answers
            --     result (string) - result (passed/failed)
            -- EXAMPLE:
            if data.result == "passed" then
               local license = "DMV" -- Which license you want to add
               Basics.AddLicense(license) -- <-- Add this function
                print("You failed the quiz!")
                print(data.percent .. " % of your answers were correct!")

Last updated